The 7 Causes of Student Visa Denial in Canada: 4 Helpful Remedies

7 Causes of Canada Student Visa Denial

As you’re all boiled up to apply for a study permit in Canada, keep in mind some barriers that might lead to your application being rejected.

The Canadian immigration authorities are quite meticulous in their evaluation process, and certain factors can greatly affect the outcome of your application.

The 7 Causes of Canada Student Visa Denial and 4 Helpful Remedies

First up are 7 possible causes that may lead to your Canada Student Visa denial follow by 4 helpful remedies.

7 Causes of Canada Student Visa Denial & Helpful Tips

Here are some Causes of Canada Student Visa Denial

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#1. Not Having a Letter of Acceptance from a DLI

A key requirement for obtaining a study permit is receiving admission from a Designated Learning Institution (DLI) in Canada.

DLIs are authorized universities and colleges that can accept international students. Upon securing admission, the institution will issue a Letter of Acceptance (LOA), which you must include with your application.

Failing to submit a study permit application without an LOA or having an LOA from a non-authorized DLI will result in rejection.

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#2. Inadequate Proof of Leaving Canada After Your Studies

Immigration officers want to ensure that international students don’t overstay their permits after completing their studies.

Thus, they need evidence that you have clear intentions to return to your home country.

Although you might have the option to extend your stay through a study permit extension or a Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP), expressing too strong an inclination to stay in Canada after studies can lead to rejection.

#3. Unclear Purpose of Visit

Your study permit application can be rejected if the visa officer isn’t convinced about the authenticity of your purpose for studying in Canada. 

Including a Statement of Purpose (SOP) is crucial, as it outlines why you’ve chosen Canada and how your chosen program aligns with your career goals.

Without a well-drafted SOP, officials might suspect intentions of working in Canada without proper authorization.

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#4. Lack of Financial Security

Proving that you have adequate funds to cover your education and living expenses in Canada is essential.

Failure to provide documents supporting payment of tuition fees, living expenses, or not having a clear source of funds can lead to rejection. 

If you’re applying through the Student Direct Stream (SDS), a Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) of $10,000 is required. This ensures your financial stability during your studies.

#5. Unexplained Gaps in Your Education or Experience

Gaps in your education or employment history can raise suspicions in your study permit application.

If you took time off from studies or were unemployed for a period, providing a valid explanation in your Statement of Purpose (SOP) is crucial.

#6.  Canada Student Visa Denial: Low Language Test Score

Language proficiency is vital for academic success and integration into Canadian life. A low score on language tests like IELTS, CELPIP, or TEF Canada can lead to rejection. 

Most universities and colleges also consider language scores during the admission process.

To improve your chances, consider retaking the test to achieve a higher score before submitting your application.

#7. Refusal of Admission on Medical or Criminal Grounds

If you have a medical condition that could impact your studies or pose a risk to public health, or if you have a criminal record, your study permit application could be denied. 

However, if the incident occurred when you were a minor, there might be exceptions.

Ensuring your medical exam is clear and addressing any past criminal records honesty is important.

Inadequate or Inadmissible Travel History.

These and more are pointers to why your Canadian visa application is turned down. However, since the hurt to your precious opportunity or entering Canada has been done,  there are a few yet effective known steps to remedy this.

What to Do If Your Study Permit Application for Canada Is Rejected

Facing a rejection of your study permit application for Canada can be disheartening, but it’s not the end of the road.

Here are a few steps you can take to address the situation and increase your chances of obtaining a study permit in the future:

#1. Canada Student Visa Denial: Reapply for a Study Permit

If your initial application was rejected due to correctable reasons, such as incomplete documentation or insufficient financial proof, you can reapply.

Take the time to thoroughly review and address the issues that led to rejection.

Revise your application, ensuring all required documents are complete, accurate, and well-presented. 

Consider deferring your studies by a semester to provide ample time for reapplication and to avoid rushing the process.

#2. Request a Judicial Review of Your Application Decision

While there’s no formal appeal process for study permit decisions, you can request a judicial review of the decision through the Federal Court of Canada.

This route is suitable if you believe that the decision was unfair or not based on proper assessment. 

However, this step requires legal expertise, and you’ll need an immigration lawyer authorized to practice in Canada to guide you through the process. Keep in mind that not all cases are accepted for judicial review.

#3. Rescind Your Acceptance from the University or College

In certain cases, you might find that you’re unable to rectify the issues that led to rejection. If, for instance, you lack sufficient funds for your education in Canada or have lost essential academic credentials, withdrawing your acceptance might be the best course of action.

This allows you to seek a refund of your tuition fees and other related costs.

#4. Strengthen Your Application and Reapply at a Later Date

Sometimes, it’s prudent to take a step back, focus on addressing the weaknesses in your application, and reapply at a later date.

Use the time to improve your academic qualifications, language skills, or financial situation. 

Strengthening your application can substantially enhance your chances of success the next time around.


Can I apply for a study permit through the Student Direct Stream (SDS) after a rejection?

Yes, you can reapply through the SDS if you meet its requirements and rectify the issues that led to the rejection in your previous application.

Will my previous study permit rejection affect future applications?

A previous rejection can affect future applications, but addressing the issues and presenting a strong application can mitigate its impact. Honesty and accuracy are crucial.


Remember that the Canada Student Visa Denial doesn’t mark the end of your Canadian education dreams.

By thoroughly understanding the reasons for rejection, seeking legal assistance if necessary, and taking appropriate actions, you can work towards securing a study permit in the future.

Always strive to present a well-prepared, accurate, and convincing application that aligns with Canadian immigration