Essential Cultural Tips Before Traveling to the USA

When embarking on a journey to the United States of America, certain cultural aspects may catch you by surprise.

The diverse and expansive nation offers a wealth of experiences, but here are a few key things to keep in mind to ensure a smooth and enjoyable trip.

Tips Before Traveling to the USA

#1. Portion Sizes Are Huge

Prepare your appetite for a culinary adventure like no other. In the US, the phrase “go big or go home” takes on a whole new meaning.

Tips Before Traveling to the USA

From all-you-can-eat buffets to US sky-high burgers, the portions here are notoriously generous. 

Restaurants often take advantage of the relatively affordable food production to offer sizable dishes, appetizers, and desserts.

Be prepared to encounter 12 oz steaks that might seem plate-hogging to some, but remember, it’s all part of the American dining experience.

#2. Tips are expected

In the United States, tipping isn’t just a kind gesture – it’s an important part of service culture.

While it’s not a legal requirement, leaving a tip for service staff is customary and greatly appreciated.

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#3. Tax Is Not Included In Prices

When shopping or dining in the US, it’s essential to remember that the price on the tag or menu may not reflect the final amount you’ll pay. 

Unlike in some other countries, sales tax is not included in the displayed price. 

Depending on the state you’re in, this tax can vary but often adds around 7% or more to the bill.

Make sure to factor in this additional cost when budgeting for your purchases.

#4. People Are Extremely Talkative

Prepare to engage in friendly chit-chat during your stay in the US. 

Americans are known for their open and outgoing nature, and striking up conversations with strangers is quite common.

Whether you’re dining at a restaurant or shopping at a local store, don’t be surprised if you’re asked about your day, where you’re from, or other light-hearted questions.

It’s a great way to experience American hospitality and connect with the locals.

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Exploring Beyond the Familiar

While iconic destinations like the Statue of Liberty and the Grand Canyon often steal the spotlight, don’t shy away from exploring the lesser-known treasures that the United States has to offer.

Venture off the beaten path and discover the hidden gems that are sure to leave a lasting impression.

The US is Vast, Explore More

The sheer size of the United States can be overwhelming, with its expansive landscapes and diverse regions.

Even many Americans themselves may not cover a fraction of their own country in a lifetime.

When planning your trip, consider focusing on a few “must-see” places or delving deep into a specific region.

This approach allows you to savor the unique character of each area without feeling rushed.

For the Love of Sports!

Sports hold a special place in American hearts, and the country’s sports culture is unlike any other. 

While international sports like soccer might dominate the global scene, the US has a fervent love for home-grown games.

From American football to basketball and baseball, attending a game or catching the excitement of a local sports event provides a glimpse into the nation’s enthusiastic sports spirit.

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Come Prepared and Complete

Embarking on a journey to the United States comes with excitement and adventure, but it’s also crucial to prioritize your well-being and financial security.

One way to do that is by getting your travel insurance sorted before you set off.

While no one plans for accidents or unexpected events, having the right coverage can offer you peace of mind and a safety net during your travels.

Navigating the Landscape

The vast expanse of the United States offers numerous attractions and destinations to explore.

To make the most of your journey and have the freedom to discover off-the-beaten-path locations, having your transport is highly recommended.

While major cities like New York and Boston might have efficient public transportation systems, many regions of the US rely heavily on personal vehicles.

Consider obtaining an International Driving Permit before your trip to unlock the flexibility to roam and experience the country at your own pace.

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Are portion sizes as big as they say in the USA?

Yes, portion sizes are often larger than in many other countries. Be prepared for generous servings and the option for all-you-can-eat buffets.

Is tipping mandatory in the US?

Tipping isn’t mandatory, but it’s customary. Service staff rely on tips, so it’s appreciated to leave around 15-20% of the bill in restaurants and tip other service providers accordingly.

Do prices in the US include tax?

No, prices generally don’t include tax. Depending on the state, sales tax may add around 7% or more to the displayed price.

Are there hidden, lesser-known places to visit in the US?

Absolutely! While famous attractions exist, there are also many lesser-known gems to explore, away from the tourist crowds.


Plan to visit specific regions or “must-see” places to avoid trying to cover too much ground. Focus on quality experiences rather than quantity.

PS: The US uses Fahrenheit for temperature and other non-metric units like pounds for weight, gallons for volume, and yards for distance.

Remember, travel insurance is highly recommended. Health care can be costly, and insurance can cover unexpected medical expenses and more.