How to Report Lost Luggage

When you discover that your luggage is missing, reporting it promptly and providing the necessary information are master steps in the recovery process. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to report lost luggage:

Locate the Airline’s Baggage Office

As soon as you realize your luggage is missing, head to the airline’s baggage office or window at the airport.

How to Report Lost Luggage

The office is typically located in the baggage claim area and the staff there are trained to assist with lost luggage cases.

Provide Baggage Stub and Description

Hand over your baggage stubs to the airline staff. This will help them track your bag on their computer system. Additionally, give them a detailed description of your bag, including any unique identifiers, colours, or features that can help in the identification process.

Show Photos or AirTag Information

If you have a picture of your bag, show it to the staff. This visual representation will make it easier for them to recognize your luggage if found. If you’ve attached an AirTag or any tracking device to your bag, share the location information with the airline, as it can significantly aid in locating your missing bag.

Fill Out a Claim Form

The airline staff will request you to fill out a claim form with your details and a description of your lost bag. Make sure to include a way for them to contact you over the next few days. If you have a printed picture of your bag, provide a copy to the airline, and retain a copy for yourself.

Keep in Contact

Stay in touch with the airline to inquire about the progress of the search for your lost luggage. If they successfully locate your bag, they will arrange for its return to you. If, unfortunately, your luggage remains untraceable, the airline may offer compensation and assistance with replacements, as per their policy.

What to Do If Your Luggage Is Lost

Losing your luggage during a trip can be frustrating and stressful, but there are steps you can take to increase the chances of recovering it. Here’s what you should do if you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of having your luggage lost:

Stay Calm and Report It Immediately

If your luggage doesn’t show up on the baggage carousel, resist the urge to panic. Instead, head straight to the airline’s nearby baggage office or window and report the issue immediately. The office is usually located near the baggage claim area and will be able to assist you in the process of locating your lost bag.

Provide Relevant Information

When reporting your lost luggage, be prepared to provide relevant information to the airline staff. This includes your baggage stubs and a detailed description of your bag. If you have a picture of your bag, show it to the staff, as it can help identify your belongings. If you’ve attached an AirTag to your bag, share the exact location information to facilitate the search process.

Fill Out a Claim Form

The airline staff will likely ask you to fill out a claim form with pertinent personal information and a description of your bag. Supply a way to be reached over the next few days, and make sure to keep a copy of the form for your records.

Keep in Touch

Stay in touch with the airline after reporting your lost luggage. If your bag is found, they will make an effort to return it to you. However, if it remains untraceable, the airline may offer a replacement for the lost luggage, usually with the closest match possible. Be aware that reimbursement policies vary by airline, and there may be limits on the amount you can claim.

Consider Travel Insurance

Having travel insurance can be beneficial if your luggage is lost by the airline. Once your luggage is declared lost, contact your travel insurance company for guidance on the next steps. They may advise you to wait for the airline’s response or reimburse you for emergency purchases you need to make while waiting for your bag to be found.

How to Report Lost Luggage

When you discover that your luggage is missing, reporting it promptly and providing the necessary information are crucial steps in the recovery process. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to report lost luggage:

Locate the Airline’s Baggage Office

As soon as you realize your luggage is missing, head to the airline’s baggage office or window at the airport. The office is typically located in the baggage claim area and the staff there are trained to assist with lost luggage cases.

Provide Description

Hand over your baggage stubs to the airline staff. This will help them track your bag on their computer system. Additionally, give them a detailed description of your bag, including any unique identifiers, colours, or features that can help in the identification process.

Show Photos or AirTag Information

If you have a picture of your bag, show it to the staff. This visual representation will make it easier for them to recognize your luggage if found. If you’ve attached an AirTag or any tracking device to your bag, share the location information with the airline, as it can significantly aid in locating your missing bag.

Fill Out a Claim Form

The airline staff will request you to fill out a claim form with your details and a description of your lost bag. Make sure to include a way for them to contact you over the next few days. If you have a printed picture of your bag, provide a copy to the airline, and retain a copy for yourself.


Why does luggage get lost?

Luggage can get lost during air travel due to a variety of reasons. It may be mishandled during transfers between flights, routed to the wrong destination, or accidentally left behind at the departure airport.

What can I do if my luggage is lost?

If your luggage is lost, the first step is to report it immediately to the airline’s baggage office at the airport. Provide them with your baggage stubs and a detailed description of your bag.


In rare cases where the airline is unable to locate your lost luggage, you may need to follow up with the airline’s customer service for further assistance and potential compensation.

If you have travel insurance, contact your insurance provider to inquire about additional coverage options for unrecovered baggage.