The Best Travel Insurance Online for New Immigrants in Both Canada and the USA

As a new immigrant in a new country with a structure totally different from that of your home country, having travel insurance is paramount.

This is because it makes sure that you’ll get access to amenities like healthcare should emergencies occur.

Going through the loads of insurance options can sometimes be overwhelming, especially when settling into a new country.

But don’t worry, as whatever brought you here brought you to the right place.

So are you a new immigrant in either Canada or the USA looking for the best travel insurance online?

In this article, we’ll discuss the top insurance options available in both countries to provide you with peace of mind and security if that’s your destination.

Importance of Travel Insurance for New Immigrants

Moving to a new country is such an exciting adventure that merely thinking about it will send shivers down the spine.

But an unpleasant part of it is that it also comes with uncertainties.

Travel insurance guarantees protection and support, ensuring that there’s access to necessary healthcare and assistance in case of emergencies.

For new immigrants, having insurance is a safety net and it reduces the stress that comes with unexpected situations.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Travel Insurance for New Immigrants

When deciding on choosing your travel insurance broker, you should consider the following factors:

  • Customisable Coverage: Look for insurance plans that cater to the specific needs of new immigrants, such as coverage for pre-existing conditions or language assistance services.


  • Cost-Effective Plans: Also consider affordable options that offer comprehensive coverage for individuals or families without breaking the bank.


  • Accessibility: Opt for insurance providers with easy online access and reliable customer support to assist you whenever needed.


  • Medical Coverage: Ensure that the insurance plan includes coverage for medical emergencies, hospitalization, and medical evacuations.


Best Travel Insurance Options for New Immigrants in Canada

For immigrants already in Canada or already preparing to preparing to relocate to Canada, below is a list of the top travel insurance brokers around:

Xplorer Worldwide Health Plan

  • Offers tailored coverage for new immigrants.
  • Comprehensive medical coverage and emergency assistance.
  • Accessible online portal for easy management of policies.


Manulife New Immigrant Health Insurance

  • Cost-effective plans for individuals and families.
  • Multilingual customer support for non-native English speakers.
  • Coverage for prescription medications and dental emergencies


Allianz Newcomer to Canada Plan

  • Affordable options with customizable coverage.
  • Quick and easy online application process.
  • 24/7 emergency assistance hotline for immediate support.


Best Travel Insurance Options for New Immigrants in the USA

For those going the other way to Canada’s neighbour, the USA, below are some of the best travel insurance companies in the country:


IMG Visitor Health Insurance

  • Tailored plans designed for new immigrants.
  • Coverage for COVID-19-related expenses.
  • Flexible payment options and easy


GeoBlue Xplorer Health Plan

  • Extensive medical coverage for new immigrants.
  • Worldwide network of trusted healthcare providers for seamless medical care.
  • Telemedicine services for remote consultations and support.


Seven Corners Liaison International

  • Specialised plans for new immigrants with unique needs.
  • Coverage for unexpected emergencies and accidents.
  • Online tools for easy policy management and claims processing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why is travel insurance important for new immigrants in Canada and the USA?

A: Travel insurance is important for new immigrants as it provides coverage for unexpected medical emergencies, accidents, trip cancellations, and other unforeseen events that could disrupt their settling-in process and financial stability.


Q: What should new immigrants look for in a travel insurance plan?

A: New immigrants should look for travel insurance plans that offers comprehensive medical coverage, including coverage for pre-existing conditions, access to a network of healthcare providers, coverage for emergency medical evacuations, and trip cancellation/interruption insurance.


Q: How can new immigrants choose the right travel insurance plan for their needs?

A: New immigrants can choose the right travel insurance plan by assessing their individual needs, such as their health status, travel habits, budget, and length of stay, and selecting a plan that fits with those needs while offering broad coverage and reliable customer support.


Q: What are some common exclusions in travel insurance plans for new immigrants?

A: Common exclusions in travel insurance plans for new immigrants may include coverage limitations for pre-existing medical conditions, high-risk activities, mental health-related issues, and non-emergency treatments.

It is essential to review the policy details carefully to understand any exclusions.


Q: Are there specific benefits or features that new immigrants should prioritize in a travel insurance plan?*

A: New immigrants should prioritize features like access to a 24/7 assistance hotline, multilingual customer support, coverage for emergency medical repatriation, coverage for prescription medications, and flexibility for extending coverage in case of unexpected delays or changes in travel plans.


Final Thoughts

Choosing the right travel insurance is very crucial for new immigrants in either Canada or the USA to ensure their health and well-being are protected.

By selecting a plan that allows for customized coverage, affordability, accessibility, and comprehensive medical benefits, you can begin your new chapter with confidence and peace of mind.

Stay safe, stay covered, and enjoy your new life in your new home.