Work Visa in Canada and Application Requirements

Canada offers various worker visa entries to cater to the needs of international workers.

Whether you are looking for government jobs, skilled or unskilled positions, or seeking business opportunities, understanding the different pathways to obtaining a Canadian work permit is essential.

Below are the types of worker visa entries and their corresponding entry requirements:

Job Opportunities in Canada

The Canadian job market is expansive and diverse, providing ample opportunities for both citizens and international workers.

Types of Worker Visa Entries in Canada and Entry Requirements

Here are some categories of job opportunities available in Canada:

Government Jobs (for Permanent Residents and Citizens)

Entry Requirements

To apply for government jobs in Canada, individuals must be either permanent residents or citizens of the country.

These positions often require specific qualifications and experience, and applicants need to meet the job criteria set by the respective government departments.

Skilled and Unskilled Jobs

Entry Requirements

Skilled jobs typically require specific qualifications, certifications, or work experience in the relevant field. 

Unskilled jobs, on the other hand, may have fewer prerequisites and may be more accessible to individuals seeking entry-level positions.

Business Establishments

Entry Requirements

Establishing a business in Canada requires adherence to specific regulations and guidelines set by the Canadian government.

Depending on the type of business, individuals may need to fulfil certain financial, legal, and licensing requirements.

How to Obtain a Canadian Work Permit

International workers who wish to work in Canada temporarily need to obtain a valid work permit.

There are several pathways to acquiring a Canadian work permit, each with its entry requirements:

Job Offer from an Authorized Employer in Canada with a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)

To apply for a work permit under this pathway, individuals must have a genuine job offer from a Canadian employer that has been authorized through an LMIA.

The LMIA ensures that the hiring of a foreign worker will not negatively impact the Canadian job market and that there is a legitimate need for the worker’s skills and expertise.

Existing Relationship with Someone Residing in Canada

International workers may be eligible for a work permit if they have a close relative or partner who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.

This pathway facilitates family reunification and allows the worker to contribute to the Canadian workforce.

Exemptions to Work Permits

Certain exemptions exist for work permits in Canada. International workers may be eligible for work permits under the International Mobility Program (IMP), NAFTA Work Permits, CETA Work Permits, or Intra-Company Transfers, based on bilateral agreements or intra-company transfers.

These programs enable individuals to work in Canada without a specific job offer and are subject to specific eligibility criteria.

Visa Entry Options for Travel to Canada

Canada offers several visa entry options for individuals who wish to travel to the country for temporary work purposes.

Whether you have a job offer from an authorized employer or recently graduated from a Canadian educational institution.

Also, you can seek flexibility in choosing your employer, there are specific visa pathways to suit your needs.

Here are the main visa entry options for temporary work in Canada:

Temporary Foreign Workers Program (TFWP)

The Temporary Foreign Workers Program (TFWP) allows immigrants to obtain work permits if they have received a job offer from an employer in Canada that has been authorized through a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA).

The LMIA ensures that hiring a foreign worker will not negatively impact the Canadian job market. The work permit’s duration is typically linked to the length specified in the LMIA permit.

Open Work Permit

The Open Work Permit, also known as the International Mobility Program for Canada, grants temporary residents the flexibility to choose their jobs and employers within the country.

Unlike other work permits tied to a specific employer, an open work permit enables individuals to switch employers during their stay, as long as the new employer meets Canadian government requirements. 

Generally, the validity of an open work permit is for six months or less.

Post-Graduate Work Permit

International students who have completed their studies at a designated educational institution in Canada may be eligible for a Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP). 

This permit allows graduates to work for Canadian companies and gain practical experience in their respective fields.

The duration of the PGWP depends on the length of the study program completed.


How long can I work in Canada with a temporary work permit?

The duration of your temporary work permit in Canada depends on the terms specified in your LMIA or other relevant permits. There is no specific maximum time limit, but it is typically linked to the duration of your job offer or educational program.

What is the easiest way to obtain a work permit in Canada?

Each pathway to obtaining a work permit in Canada has its own set of requirements and procedures. There are no shortcuts to obtaining a work permit, and it’s crucial to carefully assess your eligibility and choose the most suitable pathway based on your circumstances.

Can international workers apply for government jobs in Canada?

Generally, government jobs in Canada are open to permanent residents and citizens of the country. International workers may need to explore other employment options available to them.

What is a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)?

An LMIA is a document that assesses the impact of hiring a foreign worker on the Canadian job market. For certain work permits, such as the Temporary Foreign Workers Program, having an approved LMIA is a prerequisite to obtaining a work permit.


Canada’s visa entry options for temporary work offer a wide range of opportunities for international workers.

Whether you are seeking to join the Temporary Foreign Workers Program with a job offer from an authorized employer, benefiting from the flexibility of an Open Work Permit.

Also, you can utilize your Canadian education through a Post-Graduate Work Permit, the country welcomes individuals with diverse skills and experiences.

By understanding the various pathways and entry requirements, you can navigate the process more effectively and embark on a fulfilling work experience in Canada.